It can be challenging to find the time to write a book especially with our hectic schedules. The good news is that you don’t need an office or even a bedroom to get started on your next great novel or memoir. You can write from anywhere with the right tools and techniques.
Know the Tools You Need
Before you get started on your book, you should identify the tools you need. For example, if you want to write in your living room, you’re going to need a standing desk. If it’s too noisy around your homework area, purchase noise-cancelling headphones and an external microphone for recording podcasts.
Get Started with a Dedicated Space
Regardless of where you choose to write, whether in your Piccadilly Grand condo unit, vacation house, cabin in the woods and whatnot, having a dedicated space for the project is essential. Pick a room or area that can be reserved just for your writing.
A spare bedroom or study is ideal, but even 10-15 minutes in the living room will do if you don’t have an extra room. Even if you’re living in a condo and don’t have much space, a quick fix to it is by setting up your laptop on top of the coffee table with your pen and paper around.
Set a Schedule
You can write in your condo, but that doesn’t mean you have to. Writers are often at their best when they work on a schedule. Establishing a set time to write, whether it’s first thing in the morning or the last thing before bed, will keep you motivated and focused.
Keep Your Writing Station Clean
No matter where you write, your workspace should be clean. This will help keep your mind and mood fresh. When you work in a cluttered environment, it can make you feel overwhelmed and frustrated. And if you don’t clean up after yourself, it can get to the point where you don’t even want to write at all because of the chaos around you.
Write Regularly
Even if you don’t feel like writing one day, it is important to make daily writing a habit. It will help keep you accountable and motivated to have a regular schedule.